Best Greens for Bearded Dragons

Best Greens for Bearded Dragons

Choosing the best and safest vegetables for bearded dragons can be a big challenge sometimes especially if you are a beginner. The purpose of this post is to give you an idea about the safe veggies you can offer to your reptile.

In this post, I will share a shortlist of vegetables you can add to your beardie’s staple salad.

So, what are the best greens for bearded dragons?

Let me make things clear here before giving the list. The best greens I will be talking about are those nutritious vegetables that bearded dragons can eat regularly without having health problems.

As you know, there are a variety of vegetables that are harmful to bearded dragons. Some are too watery and others contain oxalates and other pathogens.

If you are a new beardie owner, paying close attention to your reptile’s food is very important. The list below will help you choose the right nutritious vegetables for your bearded dragons.

Also read: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Leeks?

Table of Contents

Best Greens for Bearded Dragons

Best Greens for Bearded Dragons

As promised, I will share with you the safest and best vegetables for beardies. Just check out the list and see which ones are available. These greens are a great part of your reptile’s staple salad.

So, without further ado, let’s jump into the list.

1. Alfalfa

The alfalfa plant is one of the best greens for bearded dragons. Just make sure that you feed the plant and not the sprouts. This veggie is a great part of beardies’ staple salad.

2. Cactus Pad and Cactus Pear

Cactus pad and cactus pear are another great greens for beardies. These plants have a good amount of calcium which is good for bearded dragons.

3. Collard Greens

Collard greens are another healthy vegetable for bearded dragons. They have a good amount of calcium which makes them perfect for bearded dragons.

4. Dandelion Greens

When you are looking for greens for your beardies’ staple salad, dandelion greens are great options. They have a good amount of calcium and vitamin A. But make sure that you don’t feed dandelions you picked in the wild to your bearded dragons. Those greens might have pesticides that can harm your reptile. Instead, only feed greens that you bought from the supermarket.

5. Mustard Greens

Mustard greens are also a great addition to the bearded dragons’ salad. These greens have a good amount of vitamins A and C that are great to boost beardies’ health.

6. Squash of Any Type

Any types of squash are safe and healthy vegetables for bearded dragons. These vegetables contain a good amount of vitamin A, calcium, and fiber. Certainly, a good addition to beardies’ salad.

7. Turnip Greens

My last recommended best greens for bearded dragons are turnip greens. These vegetables contain a good amount of vitamins A and C. They are definitely a good addition to the bearded dragons’ salad.

I am sure that there are other greens that you can feed to your bearded dragons on a regular basis. The seven veggies that I have listed above are just the ones that I regularly choose for my beardies.

Whatever greens you choose for your bearded dragons, make sure that they are safe. Always remember that beardies are prone to health risks when consuming unhealthy foods.

Also read: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery? (Is It Safe)

How to Prepare Greens for Bearded Dragons?

Now that you have the list, the next thing I want to share with you is the preparation process. Choosing healthy greens is just the first step, preparing them right is second.

As you might already know, bearded dragons are prone to choking and other digestive issues when fed with large chunks of food. So your job is to make sure that the greens are prepared correctly.

Another thing to consider is the safety of vegetables. The greens should be free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals. So make sure that you only offer the greens you bought from the grocery store and not those that you picked in the wild.

The first thing you need to do when preparing greens is to wash them thoroughly. Make sure that any pathogens are washed out.

The second important thing is to make sure that the greens are finely chopped before adding to the salad. The reason for this is that bearded dragons are prone to digestive problems when eaten large chunks of food.

The best way to do it is to consider the distance between the beardies’ eyes. The space between the reptile’s eyes is indicative of the perfect size of food that beardies can eat without having health problems.

Also read: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Rosemary?

Final Thoughts on the Best Greens for Bearded Dragons

Not all vegetables are safe for bearded dragons. In fact, some veggies can cause health problems in beardies. If you are a new beardie owner, this is something that you need to pay close attention to.

The greens I included in the list above are healthy and safe. You can offer them regularly to your bearded dragon.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading.

What greens do bearded dragons like the most?

Bearded dragons like kale, arugula, mustard greens, collard greens, and endive, squash of all kinds, bell peppers, and carrots.

Can bearded dragons eat radish greens?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat radish greens. But it is better to add other healthy greens too.

Can bearded dragons eat broccoli?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat broccoli as an occasional treat. Beardies can also have broccoli stalks and leaves as long as the stalks and leaves are finely chopped. This is to keep beardies safe from choking and other digestive problems.

Can bearded dragons eat zucchini?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat zucchini on an occasional basis. This is because of the acid content of this veggie. If you feed bearded dragon zucchini, make sure that it is not more than a treat.

Can bearded dragons eat basil?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat basil both leaves and flowers. Basil contains a good amount of vitamin A, C, K, calcium, and iron. It also contains antioxidants and antibacterial properties.

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