Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chard

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chard? Something You Should Know

Can bearded dragons eat chard? If you are asking the same question, then this post is for you. I will share with you some facts about whether or not beardies can eat chard.

Every bearded dragon owner knows that picking the right vegetable for bearded dragons can be tough sometimes. It is even more challenging for new bearded dragon owners.

This is due to the fact that not all vegetables are safe for bearded dragons. As a beardie owner, you need to be careful.

So, can bearded dragons eat chard?

Bearded dragons cannot eat or should not be given chard under any circumstances. Chard has high water and acid contents making it unsuitable for bearded dragons.

As you know, watery and acidic foods are not good for bearded dragons. Chard in my opinion should always be ruled out as food for beardies.

To give a better understanding as to why beardies should not eat chard, let’s take a look at the table below.

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Table of Contents

Nutritional Facts of Chard

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chard

There are a lot of nutritional contents you can find in chard. But I only included a few that are significant for bearded dragons.

Nutritional content per 100g

Vitamin A6124IU
Vitamin C18mg
Source: Wikipedia

As you can see, there are several nutrients included in the table. Let’s talk about each of them.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is good for bearded dragons. However, if it is too much, it can also trigger health issues. The most common problem is vitamin A toxicity. This happens when bearded dragons eat too much vitamin A-rich foods.

The vitamin A in chards is too high for beardies. If you feed food like this to your reptile, make sure that you should not give vitamin A supplements to avoid toxicity.

Vitamin C

The vitamin C content in chard is high. Although beardies need vitamin C for them to develop a stronger immune system, too much acid is harmful to beardies too.

This is one of the reasons why chard should not be part of the bearded dragons’ diet. Choose healthier vegetables instead.


The calcium content of the chard is good. As you know, calcium is one of the most important minerals for bearded dragons. It helps develop strong and healthy bones. The lack of calcium can cause many potential health risks in bearded dragons.

However, this does not mean that beardies can eat chard. There are more harmful constituents in chard than the good ones.


Another good mineral present in chard is phosphorous. Like calcium, phosphorous is also important for bearded dragons. Both calcium and phosphorous have a good ratio. It is close to the ideal 2:1 proportion.

But again, this does not mean that chard is safe for bearded dragons. There are more unsafe constituents present in this veggie than the good ones.


As you can see from the table, chard has very high water content. We all know that watery foods are harmful to bearded dragons. They can cause digestive issues in bearded dragons such as diarrhea.

The water content in chard is too high for a bearded dragon to deal with. Their digestive systems are not designed to process watery foods. I suggest that you choose safer veggies instead. Always keep your reptile safe from health issues.

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Safe Vegetables for Bearded Dragons

If chards are not a healthy option for your bearded dragons, don’t worry because there are a variety of healthier vegetables you can choose. I have listed a few healthier greens below you can feed to your bearded dragons.

1. Alfalfa

The alfalfa plant is a great green for bearded dragons. But make sure that it is the plant, not the sprouts you offer to your bearded dragon.

2. Cactus Pad and Cactus Pear

These two are another healthy staple foods for bearded dragons. They contain high calcium which is great for the reptiles.

3. Collard Greens

Collard greens are another good option when you are looking for greens for your bearded dragons. They contain high calcium good for bearded dragons.

4. Dandelion Greens

Another great staple greens for bearded dragon’s salad are the dandelion greens. They contain high calcium and vitamin A. However, make sure that you pick the clean ones. Dandelion in the wild may have pesticides in them which makes these greens harmful for the reptile sometimes.

5. Mustard Greens

Mustard greens are another great staple food for bearded dragons. They contain a good amount of vitamins A and C.

6. Squash of Any Type

Squash of any kind is safe for bearded dragons. It contains a good amount of fiber, calcium, and vitamin A. A great addition to the salad for your reptile.

7. Turnip Greens

Turnip greens are another healthy green option for your bearded dragon. Turnip greens contain a good amount of vitamins C and A. They are certainly a good addition to the staple salad.

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How to Prepare Greens for Bearded Dragons?

Choosing the right greens for bearded dragons is one thing preparing those greens is another. This is because bearded dragons are prone to choking and other digestive issues when ingested large chunks of food.

When preparing the greens listed above, it is very important to make sure that they are clean and safe from any chemicals. Pesticides for instance can harm the overall health of your bearded dragon. So be careful. Do not feed greens that you picked in the wild.

Another thing that needs to put into consideration is the size of the greens. As mentioned, bearded dragons can choke and suffer from digestive issues when they ingest large chunks of food.

The best thing you can do is to make sure that the greens are finely chopped into small bite-size pieces. Always consider the distance between your beardie’s eyes. The slice of food should not be larger than the space between their eyes.

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Final Thoughts on Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chard

Bearded dragons cannot eat or should not be given chard. This is because chard has high acid and water content making it unsuitable for bearded dragons.

I suggest that you choose healthier greens instead. I have listed a few healthy greens above that you can try for your bearded dragon.

I hope you enjoy this post. Thank you for reading.

Can beardies eat carrots?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat carrots. Carrots contain a good amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene.

Can bearded dragons eat cucumbers?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat peeled cucumber as an occasional treat. This is because cucumber has high water content. Make sure you don’t give more than a treat.

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