Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chrysanthemums

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chrysanthemums?

Chrysanthemum is a flower that you usually see in the backyard. Since it is a common flower, many wonder whether or not it is edible for bearded dragons.

Can bearded dragons eat chrysanthemums?

Chrysanthemum, like other edible flowers is not poisonous to reptiles. Bearded dragons can eat chrysanthemums. However, every bearded dragon can be different. The best idea is to try it with a small amount and see how your beardies react.

What I like to point out here is that chrysanthemums are edible. In fact, for hundreds of years, chrysanthemums are used as a medicinal plant for a variety of medical conditions.

If it is not poisonous to humans, it should not also toxic to reptiles. But again, not all bearded dragons are equal in terms of food favorites and even digestive reactions.

As a bearded dragon owner, you should consider the safety of your beardies. Before giving them anything, you need to make sure that the foods are safe for them.

Personally though, I haven’t tried giving my beardies chrysanthemum. But this does not mean that the chrysanthemum is not safe. The reason is that I don’t have this flower in my backyard garden.

I don’t give my beardies foods that I don’t grow in my backyard. This is to make sure that my bearded dragons are safe from pesticides and other chemicals.

Table of Contents

Are Chrysanthemums Good for Bearded Dragons?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chrysanthemums

Although chrysanthemums are not poisonous, I can’t guarantee that it will be good for your beardies. This is because, as mentioned, every bearded dragon is different.

The best way to find out is to try it with your beardies. Give them just a small amount and see how it goes.

If you have a chrysanthemum in your garden, you can try it. But if you are afraid about what will happen, then I suggest that you stay with the safe plants.

There are several fruits and vegetables that are safe for reptiles. Below are some of them.

11 Best Foods for Bearded Dragons

The following foods are rich in vitamins and minerals to keep your reptile healthy.

Food # 1. Collard Greens

Collard greens are some of the most nutritious and some of the safest plants you can give to your bearded dragons.

It contains vitamin C, fiber, and other nutrients good for bearded dragons. It contains diindolylmethane and sulforaphane, the anticancer substances.

Not only that but collard greens also contain antibacterial properties to protect the bearded dragons from infections.

The best way to prepare collard greens is by chopping or tearing the leaves into smaller pieces. To help bearded dragon eat their food easily, try to chop the leaves into bite-size.

Then mix it with other vegetables. This is a good strategy especially when dealing with a picky bearded dragon.

Food # 2. Dandelions

Another safe plant for bearded dragons are dandelions. These plants are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and calcium.

My adult bearded dragons love dandelions. The best way to prepare is by adding it to the salad. You can use the leaves or flowers.

However, please do make sure that you have the once that are free from any pesticides or other chemicals. If you can grow it on your own, it will be much better.

Food # 3. Endive

Endive is another great addition to the beardies’ salad. Endives are edible and safe for bearded dragons. You can add it to their salad.

Endives are also rich in folate and vitamins A and K. You can just tear the leaves or chop them before giving to your bearded dragons.

Food # 4. Carrots

Carrots are rich not only in minerals but also with beta carotene and antioxidants properties. Another thing that I like the most about carrot is that it is colorful which can grab bearded dragon’s attention.

The best way to prepare carrots for bearded dragons is to grate them. This is to help better digestion. 

I would suggest though that you need to limit the bearded dragon carrot consumption. You can give it to your beardies once or twice a week only.

Food # 5. Bok Choy

Bok choy is also known as the Chinese cabbage. This vegetable is rich in vitamin A. You can simply chop it into bite-size pieces before giving it to your bearded dragons.

Food # 6. Turnip Greens

Turnip is another plant that is high in vitamin A, C, K, folate, lutein, and calcium. If you are feeding your bearded dragons with turnips, make sure that you only include the greens and not the roots.

Food # 7. Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa is one of the most nutritious plants you can give to your bearded dragons. It is rich in vitamins C, D, E, and K. It also contains protein and calcium and other minerals.

The trick is to chop the alfalfa sprouts to allow the bearded dragons to swallow them easily. This will be even better if you mix the sprouts with other leafy vegetables.

Food # 8. Strawberries

If you want to give your bearded dragons more vitamin C, strawberries are great options. These fruits also contain folate and potassium and fiber. 

The only drawback is that strawberries are a little bit expensive sometimes especially if they are out of season. 

Food # 9. Figs

Figs are some of the sweet and nutritious foods you can give to your hungry bearded dragons. They contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, and vitamin B6.

Figs are great for adult bearded dragons. Juveniles may find them difficult to digest especially the seeds. this is the reason why I only feed figs to my adult beardies.

Food # 10. Tomatoes

One of the frequently asked questions is whether or not bearded dragons can eat tomatoes. The answer is yes. Tomatoes are good for bearded dragons as they contain vitamin A.

However, only give the fruit and not the leaves or stems. Tomato leaves and stems are toxic to bearded dragons. 

Aside from the mentioned foods, there are other foods that your bearded dragons may love. The following plants can be your bearded dragons’ staple foods.

Staple Foods for Bearded Dragons

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chrysanthemums

Choose some of the following plants to feed your bearded dragons daily.

  • Squash
  • Raw Asparagus
  • Raw Bell Peppers
  • Bok Choy
  • Raw Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Chicory
  • Collard Greens
  • Peeled Cucumber
  • Endive
  • Kohlrabi
  • Mustard Greens
  • Raw Okra
  • Parsnips
  • Pumpkins
  • Radicchio
  • Turnip Greens
  • Zucchini 

If you have a picky bearded dragon, feeding him/her can always be a challenge. If this is your case, I suggest that you choose 3-4 plants listed above and mix them to make a salad.

The more kinds of veggies the more the salad looks colorful. And colorful serving is enticing to your beardies. This trick works for my picky bearded dragons. I hope it works for you too.

You can learn more about bearded dragons by visiting the guide.

Related Questions

Can bearded dragons eat lemongrass?

Yes. Bearded dragons can eat lemongrass. However, give it in moderation. Some beardies may find it hard to digest. Lemongrass is a tropical grass commonly used for cooking. It has a lemon fragrance that can boost the taste and smell of a recipe.

Can bearded dragon eat orchids?

No. Bearded dragons should not be given orchids especially if pesticides are applied on these flowers. It may harm the bearded dragons. Also, orchids may be carrying parasites which will in turn even more harmful to beardies.

Can bearded dragons eat succulents?

It depends on what type of succulents they are eating. This is because not all succulents are edible. Some are toxic to humans and animals including bearded dragons.

What flowers can bearded dragons eat?

There are a variety of flowers that bearded dragons can eat. Some of the examples are geraniums, dandelions, hibiscus, and carnations.

Can bearded dragons eat dock leaves?

No. Don’t feed your beardies with wild plants because you don’t know that they are carrying. They might have parasites or pesticides with them that are harmful to your bearded dragons.
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